Friday, July 31, 2009

What Is The Fastest Way To Get Abs?

As you start to analyze each word of what you are about to read you will begin to get excited. Why? Because you will soon discover how you can get a six pack, and how you can get it fast. One of the questions I am asked the most is "What Is The Fastest Way To Get Abs?" And I love answering that questions!

The reason i love answering that question is because when i tell people my answer they always look at me and are extremely confused. Are you ready for the answer?

The hands down, number one best way to get abs is by sprinting. If you find a strip of about 30 meters and are able to do a few wind sprints 3 times per week you will develop a six pack. The reason for this is because no other exercise hits the abs as hard and burns as much fat as sprinting does.

If you do this three times per week for a month then you will see a difference. If you want to achieve even more ripped abs check out the workout at If you follow the program they sell their your body will be completely different in one month from now.

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